Sunday, July 21, 2013

Images from blazing 100-degree July 19 Protest in Support of Nassim, Mamadou and Paul

Nassim became a union rep this year after 19 years at Harvard. On July 19 he was told he would have to accept a demotion of three salary grades, or be laid off, by a manager who told him his English isn't good enough to be a Coordinator (the postion he's held for 9 years!). Mamadou is being held to a 17 hr/wk, $11.50/hr "less than half-time" position, which he's endured for five years, even though the HUCTW contract says the use of such positions by management is supposed to be "exceptional and strictly limited." Paul, who has 31 years' experience, had his position made "essential" in October, had surgery in January, and returned from a disability leave in March only to be laid off in April, supposedly because there's not enough work in his newly "essential" position. Co-workers believe he was laid off because management was afraid he'd need to take more time off from work.


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